La soprano terrassenca es forma amb Dolors Aldea i a Viena, on finalitza els estudis cum laude. El 2007 guanya el 2n premi en el Concurs Internacional de Lied de Stuttgart. Com a reconeguda liederista, ha ofert nombrosos recitals a sales com el Musikverein, la Radiokulturhaus, l’Arnold Schoenberg Center i la Bösendorfersaal de Viena, la Liederhalle de Stuttgart, el Palau de la Música Catalana i l'Auditori de Barcelona, el Kingsplace de Londres i el Holywell d'Oxford. Ha cantat també a festivals com el LIFE Victoria Barcelona i la Schubertíada i ha participat en els prestigiosos cicles monogràfics "The Schubert Project" al Regne Unit i "Der Ganze-Hugo-Wolf" a Alemanya. És una cantant versàtil i amb un ampli repertori de concert, que és present amb regularitat, des de fa més d’una dècada, a les temporades del Gran Teatre del Liceu i del Teatro Real, on ha estrenat diverses òperes.

A musician with a passion for chamber music and art song, she has performed in venues and festivals including the Musikverein and Konzerthaus in Vienna, The Kennedy Center in Washington DC, the Teatro Real, the Seoul Spring Festival of Chamber Music, the Oxford Lieder Festival or the Aix-en-Provence Festival. She has partnered with artists including Wolfgang Holzmair, Tara Erraught, Michael Spyres or Elena Copons, and has performed as soloist with numerous ensembles. Born in Massachusetts, Deirdre earned a Bachelor's degree from Dartmouth College with a double major in Engineering Sciences and Music, and Master's degrees from both the Royal Academy of Music in London and the Konservatorium Wien (MUK). She is currently teaching at the Anton Bruckner Privatuniversität in Linz and the Joseph Haydn Konservatorium in Eisenstadt. She is co-founder and director of the Boyne Music Festival in Ireland as well as the innovative concert series Mosaïque in Vienna.