Helena Satué i Bernat Prat, violins | Lara Fernández, viola | Oriol Prat, violoncel
Despite the fact that it is a recently formed ensemble (2014), the Cosmos Quartet has already gained an international career winning the First Prize at the 2018 Competition Irene Steels - Wilsing Foundation in Heidelberg, and the 13th Premi BBVA de Música de Cambra Montserrat Alavedra, among others. They have been invited to play at venues such as Heidelbergerg Streichquartettfest, String Quartet Biennal organized by L’Auditori in Barcelona, Liceo de Cámara - Auditorio Nacional in Madrid, the Quincena Musical in San Sebastián, Wigmore Hall in London, Gent Festival van Vlaanderen in Belgium, East Neuk Festival in Edinburgh, Sociedad Filarmónica de Bilbao and Circulo de Bellas Artes in Madrid. From season 2021-2022 until 2024 they will be the Quartet in Residence at Palau de la Música Catalana, with the complete works by J. Brahms, R. Schumann and A. Webern. The quartet is based in Barcelona and plays four instruments builded specially for them from the catalan wellknown luthier David Bagué.

És integrant del quintet de vent Azahar Ensemble, amb qui ha actuat en sales com l’Elbphilharmonie d’Hamburg, la Musikverein de Viena, la Philharmonie de Berlín i el Mozarteum de Salzburg, així com en els principals festivals del panorama europeu. Des de l’any 2012 és membre del projecte musical europeu Spira Mirabilis. Col·labora regularment com a solista amb orquestres com la Tonhalle-Orchester de Zúric, la Luzerner Sinfonieorchester, la Bergen Philharmonic o l'Orquestra del Gran Teatre del Liceu. Actualment es troba en període de prova com a clarinet co-principal amb la BBC Symphony Orchestra i com a clarinet principal amb la Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra. És convidat regularment com a docent a orquestres com la Jove Orquestra Nacional de Catalunya i la Joven Orquesta Nacional de España. Paral·lelament, ha exercit com a professor de quintet de vent al Conservatori Superior de Música d'Aragó.

Born in Alicante (Spain), he is one of the most prominent horn players of his generation, and is currently Professor at the Hochschule für Musik in Freiburg and the ESMUC in Barcelona. He studied at the Alicante Conservatory of Music, and later at the Reina Sofía School of Music in Madrid, and has received several international awards. He was principal horn of the Gustav Mahler Youth Orchestra from 2001-2006 and he currently performs with Orchestra Mozart in Bologna, and the Lucerne Festival Orchestra. He considers these three orchestras, all founded by Claudio Abbado, influential in his musical and humanistic training. He is the principal horn of the Mahler Chamber Orchestra. In the field of chamber music, he regularly performs at important festivals in the United States, China and Europe. Since 2010 he is the Artistic Director of the festival Músics en Residència in Alella (Barcelona).

Prize-winner of the prestigious Tchaikovsky competition in 2019, Lola Descours has established herself as one of the most talented musicians of her generation. Lola is currently Solo Bassoon in Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra under chief conductor Lahav Shani. She is a regular guest in world renowned orchestras such as the Royal Concertgebouworkest in Amsterdam, the Mahler Chamber Orchestra, the London Philharmonic and the Bamberger Symphoniker with which she has performed on the world's greatest stages. Eager to constantly expand her artistic boundaries and her sources of inspiration, she performed at numerous festivals all around the world. In 2018, she founded the Cocteau Trio with clarinetist Renaud Guy-Rousseau and oboist Ilyes Boufadden and more recently, Trio ABC with Accordeon and Contrabass with Elodie Soulard and Ulysse Vigreux.

Antic alumne de la Escuela Superior de Música Reina Sofia, on el mes de juny de 2012 va rebre de mans de Sa Majestat la Reina la Menció d’alumne més excel·lent de la seva promoció. També ha estat guardonat dins del cicle de concerts “El primer Palau” i amb el Primer Premi a l’edició XX del Certamen “Pedro Bote” de Villafranca de los Barros. Ha estat membre de la JONDE, EUYO i Gustav Mahler Jugendorchester, i participant a festivals com el Festival Pau Casals de Prades, Festival Turina de Sevilla o Festival de Música de Santander entre d’altres. Ha col·laborat amb orquestres professionals com la Mahler Chamber Orchestra, Utopía, Orquesta Nacional de España, Orquesta Filarmónica de Santiago o Orquesta Sinfónica de Castilla y León, entre d’altres. Actualment és solista de contrabaixos a l’Orquestra del Gran Teatre del Liceu, membre de MusicÆterna i professor al Conservatori del Liceu.